Internal Anchors
Well, it was an interesting hour that resulted in this…
Facebook notes employ a redirect script for any links found in the note. There is a problem, however, when the link in question contains an apostrophe. The apostrophe is then matched out to its numerical code '
This was relevant to me since the pictures site has certain URLs containing apostrophes, and the Facebook links were displaying the error page.
Before this error page is shown, I check a number of options to see if the link might be corrected, so I wanted to add a correction for this case. So I thought a simple string replace of '
with '
would work. Nope.
I soon realised that this was because the URL contained a hash, meaning it was pointing to an internal anchor (for example, /path/to/page-with'apostrophe
actually went to /path/to/page-with&
and tried to find an anchor called 039;apostrophe
. So I needed to get the name of the anchor requested as well.
Not possible with PHP. After seeing the explanation in one forum topic, and seeing it clarified in another, I find that the anchor request never actually leaves the browser — it makes the page request, then searches in the result for the anchor. This means that no server-side scripting is going to work.
JavaScript it is, then. Here’s the workaround:
if (!isNaN(parseInt(window.location.hash.substring(1, 2)))) {
window.location = window.location.href.replace(/&#(d+);/g, function(w, p) {
return String.fromCharCode(+p);
This matches any case, thanks to TheScripts: since the anchor is CDATA
(either through name
or id
), it must begin with a letter, so only incorrect anchors are checked.
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